Web Application Security Testing


Web application security testing involves emulating hacker-style attacks on a web application to identify and assess potential security vulnerabilities that malicious attackers could exploit. Given the importance of web applications in business and their attractiveness as targets for cybercriminals, proactive testing is essential to uncover vulnerabilities that might lead to the exposure of sensitive user and financial data.


Sai Cyber Tech employs a comprehensive penetration testing approach designed to not only discover security vulnerabilities but also uncover business logic vulnerabilities, along with security assessments aligned with industry standards like OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, OSSTMM, and more. Their services encompass both on-premises and off-premises application security assessments, drawing on extensive experience across various application threat surfaces, including online, mobile, and cloud.
Types of Testing –


Our Approach

Information Gathering
In the initial stage of a web application penetration test, reconnaissance plays a pivotal role by gathering extensive information about the target application. This involves tasks like search engine reconnaissance, information leakage detection, app enumeration, fingerprinting, and pinpointing the application's entry point.
Configuration Management
Understanding the server or infrastructure configuration hosting the web application is as crucial as conducting security testing. Evaluating fundamental configuration issues, like insecure HTTP methods, outdated files, and TLS security, is essential to mitigate risks and enhance application security.
Authentication Testing
Authentication is the act of verifying the digital identity of a communication sender, often exemplified in the login process. Testing authentication systems involves understanding how the procedure functions and using that knowledge to bypass it. Examples include exploiting weak lockout mechanisms, circumventing authentication schemes, uncovering browser cache vulnerabilities, and identifying inadequate authentication in various channels.
Session Management
Session management encompasses controls that oversee a user's stateful activity within a web application, encompassing tasks like user authentication and the logout process. Assessment areas include detecting issues like session fixation, cross-site request forgery, effective cookie management, session timeout, and evaluation of the logout process's functionality.
Authorization Testing
After authenticating with valid credentials, the penetration tester verifies authorization by assessing roles and privileges. This includes detecting issues like insecure direct object references, privilege escalation, and bypassing permission rules, leveraging knowledge of the authorization system.
Data Input Validation
The most common security vulnerability in web applications is insufficient input validation, which can result in issues like buffer overflows, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, interpreter injection, locale/Unicode attacks, file system vulnerabilities, and more.
Testing for Error- Handling
During web application penetration tests, testers frequently exploit error codes to extract valuable data about databases and security vulnerabilities. These error codes and stack traces provide insights into the application's technological elements.
Testing for Business Logic
The "Think Outside the Box" vulnerability relies on the penetration tester's expertise, as it eludes detection by vulnerability scanners. This type of vulnerability is particularly challenging to identify, being application-specific, yet it can inflict significant damage if exploited. Examples include integrity checks, processing time, uploading unexpected file types, and the ability to spoof requests.
Client-Side Testing
Client-side testing focuses on client-side code execution, which is typically carried out directly within a web browser or a browser plugin. When code is run on the client side, it is different from when it is run on the server and results in content being returned. Several instances include the use of JavaScript, client-side URL redirection, cross-origin resource sharing, and manipulation.
Denial-of Service
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks seek to hinder resource availability, often by overwhelming the target system with excessive traffic. Testing focuses on application layer attacks that can disrupt availability, typically executed by a single malicious user on a single system.
In the reporting phase, the primary goals are to present, prioritize, and rank findings, delivering a concise, actionable report to project stakeholders. Kratikal places great emphasis on this phase to ensure effective communication of the findings and the value of their service.


Frequent testing should be conducted to enhance IT and network security management by demonstrating how hackers could exploit newly discovered threats or emerging vulnerabilities. This proactive approach ensures more consistent security and helps organizations stay ahead of potential risks.
Application testing is a form of software testing focused on uncovering system flaws and addressing security concepts such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, and Availability (CIAA). This approach ensures the robustness of the application and its compliance with key security principles.
The timeline for vulnerability assessment and penetration testing varies depending on the type of testing and the scale of your network and applications. The duration of these assessments is influenced by factors such as scope, complexity, and the specific goals of the testing process.
For efficient security design, it depends on a few fundamentals – it needs to be able to identify threats, correlate data, and enforce regulations over a distributed and dynamic network.
Vulnerability scanning, a detection technique, empowers users to identify application vulnerabilities and provides recommendations for fixes and improvements to enhance the overall security of the application.
A web application scanner is an automated security tool designed to identify software vulnerabilities in web applications. It begins by crawling the entire website, comprehensively examining each file it encounters, and providing an overview of the website’s structure. This process is a crucial step in the assessment of web application security.

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