Network Penetration Testing


A Network Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test (Network VAPT) is a comprehensive technical security evaluation that surpasses conventional practices like port scanning and vulnerability enumeration. Its primary aim is to pinpoint security risks and evaluate their potential impact on your network, whether it’s wireless, internal, or external. Network Security testing is a pivotal process designed to reveal security vulnerabilities, network weaknesses, and potential threats that could potentially harm an organization’s networks, website servers, and other applications if targeted by malicious actors. It serves as a critical step in gauging the robustness of your network security by simulating attacks that attempt to gain unauthorized access to the target network, ultimately assessing the current state of network security.


Types of Testing –


Our Approach

Define Scope
Prior to commencing an application assessment, it is crucial to establish a well-defined scope with the client. This necessitates open and constructive communication between the company and the client, creating a secure foundation for the assessment process. This collaborative approach ensures that both parties are aligned on the objectives and expectations of the assessment, enabling a successful and effective evaluation.
Information Gathering
During this stage, a diverse range of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tools and techniques are employed to collect extensive data about the target. The information gathered allows us to gain insights into how the organization operates, facilitating a more precise evaluation of the risks as the engagement progresses. This comprehensive data collection process is a critical component of our strategy to better understand and address potential security vulnerabilities.
Identifying and Inspect
In this phase, we leverage a combination of automated tools and diverse data collection methods to generate more advanced and comprehensive datasets. Our team of experts meticulously scrutinizes any potential attack vectors. Subsequently, the data acquired during this stage forms the bedrock upon which our subsequent actions and assessments are built.
Attack and Penetration
In this phase, we initiate both manual and automated security scans to uncover all possible attack vectors and vulnerabilities. We follow up by executing exploits against the application to thoroughly evaluate its security. To achieve a comprehensive penetration test, we utilize a range of techniques, open-source scripts, and internal tools. All these actions are executed with precision to ensure the application's security and data protection.
The final stage in the entire assessment process entails collecting and analyzing all the data acquired, followed by delivering the client a thorough and comprehensive summary of our findings. The full report will encompass a detailed analysis of all identified risks, along with a comprehensive listing of the application's strengths and weaknesses. This conclusive report serves to provide the client with a clear understanding of the security posture of their application, empowering them to take informed actions to enhance their security measures.


Conducting a network security test is essential and should be performed at least once a year. Additionally, it is crucial to schedule a security test whenever any of the following situations occur:

  • The introduction of new infrastructure or substantial changes to existing infrastructure or applications.
  • Alterations in end-user access policies, including changes in permissions or roles, which may impact network security.
In a penetration test (pen test), an external individual or ethical hacker assumes the role of an intruder attempting to gain access to the organization’s systems. A subset of pen test procedures is known as a vulnerability scan, which is employed to assess a network and its connected systems for a predefined list of known vulnerabilities. While vulnerability scans concentrate on identifying existing system weaknesses, a penetration test simulates a “real-life” threat or attack, providing a more comprehensive evaluation of the system’s security by mimicking potential malicious activity.
Network Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is conducted in compliance with the guidelines and standards set forth by NIST SP800-115, PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard), and CIS (Center for Internet Security) Benchmarks, ensuring a comprehensive and structured assessment of network security.
In addition to routine VAPT, it’s advisable to do a configuration audit and device-level security analysis in accordance with the OEM’s suggested security policies and procedures.

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