Secure Code Review


Secure code review is a specialized process involving a thorough inspection of an application’s source code, using both manual and automated techniques. Its aim is to identify design weaknesses, detect risky coding practices, uncover hidden vulnerabilities like backdoors, injection flaws, or cross-site scripting issues, and identify areas with weak cryptography, among others. The primary objective of secure code review is to enhance the security of the codebase and expose any potential issues before they can pose a threat. This process serves as a crucial checkpoint to discover insecure code that could lead to vulnerabilities in later stages of software development, ultimately safeguarding the overall security of the application.


The process of reviewing secure coding is categorized into two distinct techniques –


Our Approach

To provide the review team with insights into the intended functionality of the program, it is essential to examine the actual functioning application. The team can initiate the process with a brief overview of the database's structure and any libraries in use.
Threat Assessment
Conducting a threat analysis is essential for grasping the application's architecture. Prioritizing these threats is crucial in the context of vulnerability assessment during the code review. Identifying the critical applications within the organization and then performing a threat evaluation for this subset is a vital part of the process.
Code reviews are often automated by utilizing a range of paid or free technologies. Automation is particularly beneficial when dealing with extensive codebases containing millions of lines of code, as it accelerates the review process. These automated tools can identify all instances of insecure code within the database, allowing developers or security experts to conduct in-depth examinations of these vulnerabilities.
Manual Code Review
In order to verify access control, encryption, data protection, logging, and back-end system connections and usage, manual code review is the only method available. A manual inspection is crucial for tracking an application's attack surface and figuring out how data moves through an application from sources to sinks. Although going line by line through the code is expensive, it improves code readability and also aids in reducing false positives.
After both automated and manual reviews are completed, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of any identified risks and explore potential solutions for addressing any vulnerabilities present in the codebase.
Upon the conclusion of the previously outlined phases, we consolidate our findings into a reader-friendly report. This report includes a detailed analysis of each identified issue within the code, accompanied by proposed patching solutions. The integration of secure coding practices and secure code reviews collectively strengthens the development team's code. Collaboratively, the client's development team and Kratikal's security experts engage in discussions to address any issues and recommendations, with the development team subsequently implementing the necessary fixes.


The primary objective of a secure code review is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security within the source code. These flaws can render the entire code susceptible to exploitation and pose potential risks. The integrity, security, confidentiality, and accessibility of applications may all be jeopardized if their source code lacks security measures.
The ideal timing for a secure code review is typically toward the conclusion of the source code development process, once the majority or all of the functionality has been established. Secure code reviews involve financial costs and time investments, which is why they are often deferred until the later stages of development. Conducting the review at this point optimizes cost-efficiency, as it can be performed once, near the end of the development phase, reducing the need for repeated assessments.
The foremost objective of a code review should be to offer constructive feedback aimed at enhancing the code’s readability, maintainability, and overall reliability by identifying and addressing potential bugs and issues.
  • Security by Design
  • Access Control
  • System Configuration
  • Password Management.
  • Input Validation and Output Encoding.
Adhering to secure coding best practices serves as a protective shield for published code, guarding it against a wide range of vulnerabilities, including both known and unknown security exploits. This robust defense extends to safeguarding against potential threats such as the compromise of cloud secrets, exposure of embedded credentials, leaks of shared keys, unauthorized access to confidential business data, and the exposure of personally identifiable information (PII).

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